Monday, June 27, 2011

Busy Monday!


Haul Video Official uploaded. I actually realize that when I'm in the mood to make a video I should just record a couple at a time so I can uploaded them consecutively in case I'm busy or lazy to recorded another one. The weather in my city is extremely unpredictable. It's completely burning one day and stormy the next. I actually realize I have the worst attention span, around a week ago apparently there was a huge storm where I live and I did not notice one bit. Until the next day when I drove around and saw huge brances laying on the side of the road that I realize a storm had past! OOPpss :)

July 4 is coming up soon! which mean the side walk sale at outlet near my town is coming!!!! I'm super super excited!! I'm trying to look for another job this summer, recently I'm filling in at my old job for a coworker who went on vacation. But now I'm looking to apply for a waitressing job. Are any of you looking for job too?


P.s did you catch on to my greetings? aloh= hola spelled backward! heheheh

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